As a result an active platform will start at the location of Point1.New Location: Drag in Point1 and connect its output to a GetWorldLocation node and, then, connect its Return Value to the New Location pin of SetWorldLocation.Target: connect to an instance of the Platform cube.Create a SetWorldLocation pin and set up its inputs as:.So if the platform is set to inactive it stays where it was placed and its edge is red. Create a SetMaterial node with its Target connected to the Edge Glow cube and its material as the RedGlow material we created.From the event exec pin create a Branch node with the condition being the Activate variable.The graph from this node is responsible for initializing the platform to start at the first arrow and set its edge to red if it is not active. Activate as Boolean : Is the platform active for movement? (Default: True).Pause Time as Float : How long does the platform pause at a post? (Default: 1).

Adding VariablesĪdd four variables via the Variables section to provide configuration for the platforms. The result is a square platform with a glowing lip.In the components tab parent this cube to the main cube so they will move together. Create a second cube (named Edge Glow) and scale it to 2.1, 2.1 and 0.18 and assign it the Green Glow material.Then create a cube (named Platform) and scale it to about 2.0, 2.0 and 0.2.These are the post objects for the platform to move between. Open its editor and add two arrow components pointing upwards.Create a blueprint class based on an Actor and call it MovingPlatform.This way you can drop and instance into the scene, move the posts to where you want and the behavior will just work. The goal is to create a pair of post objects which the platform will move between.Make a hole in the bottom of the level by making 3 copies of the floor and moving them around until there is an rectangular opening in the center.

Then connect the output to the Emissive Color pin. Then create a Constant node, set its value to 10 in the Details panel, and connect it to the input B.